Saturday 2 November 2013

Fonterra Milk for Schools

"Fonterra Milk for Schools aims to give all New Zealand primary-aged children the opportunity to enjoy the goodness of dairy every school day by offering free milk in schools."  (from the Fonterra Website)

Milk in Schools is very popular with our students as they enjoy a cold drink of milk after their busy lunchtime and are always keen for it to arrive in our classroom.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Cricket Coaching

Last term in early September our students participated in a cricket coaching session with Carl Schwarz, Kiwisport Cricket Officer, part of Sport Waikato. The students of Room 3 had a fantastic session with Carl learning skills related to catching the ball correctly and batting techniques.  It was both fun and informative! More photos through the tab on the right.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Funky Fun Day

Last term the whole junior syndicate enjoyed participating in Funky Fun Day organised by Sport Bay of Plenty and held at TECT Arena in Mount Maunganui. The students got to enjoy a fun rotation of sports which included: relays, miniball, soccer, hockey, and rugby.  The aim of this event is to expose children to different sports in the the hope that they will pick one up and pursue it. Our students absolutely loved it! Check out more photos through the tab on the right.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Whole School Fitness

Our students seem to be really enjoying our whole school fitness sessions which take place every morning from 8.45am to 9.00am.  I believe there are many benefits of these regular sessions for our students and not only to their health and fitness but also to their co-ordination, balance and overall well being.  It is a great way to start the day!

Saturday 17 August 2013

Fun Ferns Netball

On the first weekend of the holidays I was able to watch the Fun Ferns last game of the season.  I was really impressed with their level of skill, determination and positive attitudes!  Well done to all our students who played Fun Ferns this season and a big THANK YOU to Brooke for all your time coaching this team. Thanks also to all our parents who ensured their children turned up to the games on time and supported from the sidelines.   There are a lot more pictures on the tab to the right.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Celebration Assembly

At the end of last term the Junior Syndicate organised and ran our Celebration Assembly. The students of Room 5 enjoyed singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (in Maori and English) with the Senior Singers and sharing our class Korowai.  We also had great fun with Mrs Coll by getting her up the front so we could ask her silly questions to find out more about her. Mrs Coll and Mr Phillips were great sports when we set up a friendly competition and they had to eat half a weetbix each as fast as they could and then call out the Seven Stars of Matariki.  A big thank you to Savanna and Tyrsese for doing a great job of hosting the whole assembly and to Ava for supporting them.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Kahurangi Dance Company

We were very fortunate to have Kahurangi Dance Company from Heretaunga perform for our school.  They were very talented and taught us some Maori myths and legends in a fun and interactive way.  Students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the hour long performance.  Bryan from our room was lucky to be chosen to go up on stage to 'mimic' their movements.  It was very entertaining watching student teacher Mr Mustard do the same and based on Bryan's smile it looked like he had a wonderful time.  The cost of this performance was heavily subsidised by Waihi Central so a big thank you to those families who have paid the $2.00 per student.  It's not too late to get your $2.00 to me!  There are more photos - click on the link to the right.