Friday 14 June 2013

Waihi Cluster Cross Country

Well done to Thalia, Peyton, Kataraina, Violet, Saraia, Seth, Justus, Logan, and Bryan  who represented Waihi Central at our Cluster Cross Country Event.  You represented our school really well!

Special congratulations go to the following children for placing in the top six at this event:

Kataraina - 1st
Peyton - 3rd
Bryan - 3rd
Violet - 6th

See a few more photos on the link to the right.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Junior Trip to Waihi Beach

Our junior syndicate had an awesome trip to Waihi Beach yesterday.  It was fantastic to have Kimberly Peters (Coast Care representative for Waihi Beach) explain to us how important sand dunes and plants such as Spinifex are in helping to protect our coastline.  We also learnt how important it is for our marine animals and birds to keep our beaches litter free. We couldn't believe how much rubbish we picked up in 20 minutes.

We finished off our afternoon collecting taonga (treasures) for our classroom nature table. We all enjoyed being out in the sunshine and fresh sea air!  A big thank you to Delwynn, Tania, Dominique, Lynn and Jessica for helping with transport and supervision. Click the link to the right 'Photos - Junior Beach Trip' for a few more photos our trip, though not as many as usual as I was supervising one group.